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destination 2026

Destination 2026: Ten things we learnt

Returning for its second year, the Destination 2026 conference challenged delegates to think about...

Food and drink M&A activity rose by almost 30% last year

M&A total deal volumes for the food and drink industry rose by 29.1% to...
sterling supergroup

Northern Irish wholesaler joins Sterling Supergroup

Northern Ireland-based Golden Glen has joined the Sterling Supergroup, with the Belfast business now...

JJ Foodservice targeting further acquisitions

JJ Foodservice is stepping up its strategy of new acquisitions, with the foodservice wholesaler...

Bidfood withdraws from trade union agreements

Bidfood will no longer be recognising the two trade unions representing its workers, after...

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Interview: The Felix Project

Paul Hill speaks to the head of food supply at The Felix Project How does...

Industry spotlight- E-commerce in wholesale with Ferrero

Over recent months, we’ve collaborated with Ferrero to better understand wholesalers’ long-term e-commerce strategies...


Opinion: Now is the time for more wholesalers to become B Corps

Paul Hargreaves is the chief executive of Cotswold Fayre It’s just over nine years since...

Opinion: Working and living sustainably is the greatest challenge of our age

David Gilroy is the principal of Store Excel I consider myself to be a responsible...