SWA supplier growth programme achieves 230 new listings

The SWA has produced three case studies highlighting the benefits of its Delivering Growth Through Wholesale (DGTW) programme, with over 230 new Scottish product listings via 59 new wholesale partnerships since launching it in 2021.

Within the three case studies, Lost Loch Spirits gained a sales increase of £10,000 after trading with two new wholesalers, while Clootie McToot achieved total annual sales through the UK wholesale channel of £30,000 as well as securing six new product listings.

Millers Larder, meanwhile, has seen total sales through the wholesale channel reach a five-figure sum after using DGTW, which is a local supply chain training and education program supported by the Scottish Government. It provides local producers with a one-to-one mentoring support session to ensure their business is wholesale-ready.

Read more: CJ Lang picks up three awards as Scottish wholesale celebrates SWA Achievers

Pete Dignan from Lost Loch Spirits added that DGTW has enabled the company to make good contacts within wholesale in a targeted way and develop an understanding of the firm’s USP within the wholesale marketplace, and now with a better understanding of wholesale as part of its expansion strategy, it is looking to start trading with pub chains and make more connections south of the Border – something that wholesalers can help with.

“We are very good at making our brands but not so good at selling it and my experience of DGTW has helped us focus on areas of the business where we need more expertise,” he said. “We’re at the stage now where we’re ambitious to grow our business.”

SWA chief executive Colin Smith, said: “It is remarkable that as of March this year there have been– and testament to the willingness of both producers and wholesalers to work together to bring exciting and innovative products to a wider audience.

“As our case studies demonstrate, the initiative equips local Scottish producers with the insights and strategies needed to successfully navigate the landscape of the Scottish wholesale channel through training comprising of two half-day virtual workshops, followed by bespoke one-to-one support.

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via paul.hill@newtrade.co.uk and 07960935659.


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