Caterforce roadshow showcases new own brand range

Caterforce’s own brand team has been out on the road visiting members depots to showcase new own brand products.

The roadshow has been designed to educate members’ sales teams about the latest additions to Caterforce’s own brand product lines, as well as providing an interactive platform for teams to learn about the unique qualities and selling points of these new products.

Read more: Caterforce refines own brand range to achieve 2024 salt targets

“Our goal with this roadshow has been to empower our sales teams with comprehensive knowledge and enthusiasm about our new products,” said Rebecca Woollam, own brand marketing manager at Caterforce. “We believe that these new additions will not only delight our members’ customers but also provide our sales teams with compelling new options to present to their customers.”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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