Sugro launches digital signage solution at TB Cash & Carry

Sugro has successfully launched its digital signage solution for members, following a highly implementation with TB Cash & Carry alongside l signage experts Add Vision.

The newly installed digital screens are set enhance the way Sugro members can communicate with their customers, with the screens  providing the latest promotions, special offers, NPD, and product information.

Yulia Petitt, head of commercial and marketing at Sugro said: “Partnership with Add Vision is a fantastic opportunity for the Group to further enhance digital capability as well as optimise advertising and promotional campaigns, Digital Signage offering will further strengthen the Group Retail Club mechanic via enhanced execution excellence and in-store theatre whilst giving suppliers an opportunity to increase sales and distribution though compliance and execution. In partnership with our supply partners, we are delighted to be able to offer digital screens to the Members of the Group free of charge. TB Patel is the first member of the Group to go live with the newest initiative with more Members coming on board within the next few months.”

Read more: Sugro voted No.1 buying group in UK Advantage Report Survey

Sital Patel, managing director at TB Cash & Carry, added: “Sugro UK’s launch of digital screens has been a game-changer for us at TB Cash and Carry. It has significantly enhanced our in-store marketing capabilities, allowing us to engage with customers more effectively and promote our products dynamically. We are very excited about the potential this technology brings to our business.”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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