Cock & Bull secures first wholesale listing at Cotswold Fayre

cock & bull

Cock and Bull has secured its first wholesale listing with Cotswold Fayre, which will now stock six of its herbivore products in an unbaked and frozen form for bake-off in store, along with a retail packaged range.

The products listed at Cotswold Fayre are: the Traditional Porky Pie and it’s Choriz-no Porky Pie brother, Spicy Choriz-no Empanada, Chick’n & Mushroom Empanada, Spiced Beefy Empanada and the Saus-ish Roll.

Read more: Cotswold Fayre launches sales reporting service

“First Cotswold Fayre, then the world,’ says Simon Hurley, co-founder of Cock and Bull.”We’re thrilled our lip-smackingly good pies and rolls are in the hands of Cotswold Fayre. We can now reach out to the independent sector of Farmshops, Deli’s and Garden Centres and who knows maybe Butchers, Bakers, and Community shops all over the UK. We’re not here to play it safe. We’re here to prove that amazing food can have a conscience, and that business can work for good outcomes not just profit. It will also be great to show that plant-based eating can be tasty and mainstream. Our food doesn’t take away anything, it gives you everything – flavour, quality and purpose.”

“We’re stoked to see our products hit the shelves, ready for customers to pick up, take a bite and be astounded. Whether eating Cock and Bull loudly and proudly in public, or quietly in private, whatever your preference, we won’t judge,” he added.

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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