The Felix Project has secured the equivalent of around 46,000 meals in the first month of a partnership with wholesale market Western International Market.
20 tonnes of surplus fruit and vegetables have been secured from the Hounslow market and then given to around 1,000 charities and schools that support those experiencing food insecurity across the capital. The charity’s main aim is to save as much fresh food as possible and ensure vulnerable people and those on low incomes can make healthy meals.
Richard Smith, head of food supply at The Felix Project said: “We are so thrilled with this new partnership and the access it gives us to an incredible array of fresh, healthy and delicious produce. We believe we could secure around 550 tonnes of food in the first year, that’s around 1.3m meals. This means thousands more people could benefit. The team here have been so generous, giving us free office space and welcoming us as part of the family, we are already building excellent relationships with the traders which will hopefully mean we can ensure even more food is redistributed to those in desperate need.”
Read more: Bestway calls on more support to Felix Project
Western International Market works with almost 100 individual traders who sell fruit and vegetables across the UK and Europe. Working with The Felix Project will enable them to cut potential food waste significantly and improve sustainability as Keith Ward, chairman of the Tenants Association (WIMTA) explains:
“Our members sell thousands of tonnes of produce every day, but as with any mass produce market there is a small element of fruit and vegetables which cannot be retailed but are still fit for consumption. Previously contaminated food waste went to landfill and the remainder to an anaerobic digestor company. This new partnership means less waste and less of a negative environmental impact. Something I know all the traders are pleased about.”