KFF launches fresh fish range

Kent-based foodservice wholesaler, KFF,  has launched a range of fresh fish as part of a wider expansion of its fresh products.

Working in partnership with sister company and specialist fresh produce wholesaler, Fresh Direct, it has introduced more than 200 fresh produce lines, allowing businesses that serve food to purchase everything from a single, regional supplier.

Read more: Mark Taylor appointed KFF MD

The new range of high-quality fresh fish from M&J Seafood, part of Fresh Direct, includes 35 different products, from cod, haddock, monkfish and halibut to the more exotic crab, lemon sole or lobster.

Managing director Mark Taylor, said: “Over the past few years, we’ve invested heavily in kff’s range to make life easier for customers to get everything they need on one delivery. We know how much customers love the attention and service they get from kff and now they can also access the range that they need.”

Read more: 50% sales boost leads to £3m KFF investment

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via paul.hill@newtrade.co.uk and 07960935659.


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