Pricecheck receives Great Place to Work certification

Sheffield-based Pricecheck has been named as a Great Place to Work after gaining a gold standard certification for defining excellent workplaces, voted for by a company’s very own employees.

The wholesaler generated £151m in turnover for the 2023/24 financial period, and recorded its biggest month ever in April with revenue of £17.2m, and this award aims to recognise employers who create an outstanding employee experience and analyses areas of a business such as safety, inclusivity, culture and development opportunities.

Debbie Harrison OBE, joint managing director comments, “We’re so proud that Pricecheck has been named a Great Place to Work. Mark and I have always strived to create a business and culture where people feel engaged, celebrated and motivated to come to work, and this certification reflects our continuous efforts to improve the experience for everyone.

Read more: Interview: Pricecheck on its export strategy

“We simply couldn’t achieve the growth we have done over the past few years without our team, so ensuring they feel we’re a Great Place to Work is paramount to us.”

Lucy Goddard, HR Director adds: “The people at Pricecheck are the ones who make it such a great place, so gaining greater insight from them on what we’re doing well and how we can continue to improve is invaluable in shaping the future of the business.

“We know there is always work to be done, but we’re overjoyed to have achieved certification in our first year. By building on our strengths and addressing areas for improvement over the next 12 months, we are confident that we will make great strides in creating an even better workplace for everybody.”

Great Place To Work is a global authority on workplace culture, employee experience, and the leadership behaviours proven to deliver market-leading results, employee retention and increased innovation.”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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