Sugro partners with Rayburn Trading to offer toiletry products to members

Sugro has partnered with its member Rayburn Trading to supply an extensive range of toiletries and household items to the rest of the buying group’s membership.

This strategic move will provide Sugro UK members with an extended range of toiletries, household products, and personal care essentials as well as medicated goods, enhancing their ability to serve customers with greater variety and value.

Read more: Interview: Sugro

Meanwhile, Sugro UK’s Digital Signage Solution is now available to retail stores supplied by Sugro members, following the implementation of the digital signage solution with TB Cash & Carry in two of their cash and carry depots.

Derek O’Reilly, managing director of member O’Reilly’s Wholesale said: “This visual tool will be an informative feature in the store demonstrating a range of products available for the consumer to purchase within the shop. It can only be a positive advertising strategy for the retailer to increase their sales.”

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Paul Hill is the Editor of Better Wholesaling. He can be found on Twitter at @BW_PaulHill, or contacted via and 07960935659.


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